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Aimbell Publications


The title should be crisp, clear and concise and refrain from using some abbreviations. 


Author names should be present in full. Their affiliations must include their current designation, department, school/college/university, city, state, and country. All these details must be provided without any exception. 


The abstract should make some general significance and conceptual advancement of the work clearly accessible to a broad readership. The abstract should be no longer than a single paragraph and should not be unstructured. Do not mention abbreviation without its full name with it and do not cite references, figures or tables. 


Please adhere closely to the word count guidelines for each article type: 
Research Paper—3000 words, Review—4000 words, and Case Study—approximately 3500 words. 


To organise your manuscript in an effective manner, consider using clear headings and subheadings to guide the reader through your content. Also, avoid numbering the main headings, and structure your manuscript into the following sections or equivalents that are relevant to your field. 

  • Abstract (Mandatory for all types of articles) 
  • Introduction (Mandatory for all types of articles) 
  • Material and Methods/Methodology/Methods (Research article) 
  • Literature review (Review article) 
  • Case Study/Case Representation/Case Report (Case Study) 
  • Results (Mandatory for research article, optional for case study, no need in review) 
  • Discussion (Mandatory for all types of articles) 
  • Conclusion (Mandatory for all types of articles) 
  • Acknowledgments (Optional for all types of articles) 
  • Funding (Optional for all types of articles) 
  • References (Mandatory for all types of articles)


  1. Aimbell requires manuscript submission to meet international English language standards to be taken into consideration for publication. 
  2. Abstract should typically range between 130 to 180 words. 
  3. Introduction should be clear and concise with no subheading. 
  4. Materials and methods may be divided into subheadings and should contain enough details along with cited references. For experiments reporting results on animal or human subject research, an ethics approval statement should be included in this section. 
  5. Case study and Literature review may be divided by subheadings and should be cited with various references. 
  6. Results may be divided into subheadings and clearly state citations of tables and figures that should be included in text. 
  7. The discussion section must be divided into subheadings. Discussions should also cover the key findings of the study. Strengths and weaknesses of the study should also be presented and discussed. 
  8. The conclusion should be aligned with the article topic with a clear ending note. Avoid making it for more than 250 words. 

9. Reference should be in Vancouver style; all references should be cited in the article by their numbers in square brackets.


Reference should be cited only at the end of the required sentence. Please follow the below mentioned example: 
Angio Leiomyomas are smooth muscle tumours, which arise from the tunica media (smooth muscle layer) of the subcutaneous blood vessels [1].

B. In case of requirement of cite 2 references in a same line then should follow below mention example:
Although no pathophysiological mechanisms have been described to explain the occurrence of these tumours, it might be related to an endocrine alteration [8, 9]. 

C. In case of requirement of cite of more than 2 references in a sentence then should follow as below mention example:
Angioleiomyoma located in the urethra has been reported by several authors but localised in the urinary bladder has not been reported by any author [3-5]. 

10. Figures should be in JPG or PNG format. If multiple figures are used for a single figure number, each image should be labelled with letters (a, b, c) and combined into a single collage with clear representation. Charts and graphs should also be submitted in image format. Remember to cite the source of the figure in the content and reference the figure in the text. 

11. Tables should be clear and concise. No cell should be left empty; use “NA” or “-” to indicate empty cells and provide an explanation below the table if necessary. Remember to cite the source of the table in the content and reference the table in the text. 

“Submit your article with us by considering the above-mentioned guidelines.”